Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Quaker Review... it's time to QuakerUp!

As a BzzAgent I recently had the opportunity to try a number of Quaker products for FREE! Please note, as a BzzAgent I am not only encouraged to try these products but also to provide valuable feedback to Quaker and YOU, my friends.

Last week I received an amazing box of treats from BzzAgent and Quaker. My box included a full size Quaker Perfect Portions instant oatmeal sample, a full size box of Quaker Big Chewy granola bars, and a full size box of Quaker Chocolate Chip Cookies. Are you salivating yet? I know I am practically drooling just thinking about it!

The first thing that I noticed when I opened the box was the titillating (yes, I totally just used that word!) smell of maple syrup. This of course was the instant oatmeal. I wanted to open the package right then and there and jump right in; however, dinner was on the stove so I had to control myself. I sat down with my husband and daughter over the weekend to partake and let me tell you… the oatmeal was to die for! My daughter is 3 and I wanted to steal her bowl and lick it clean, does that make me a bad mommy? Anyways, HELLO, this is Quaker and Oatmeal is an art that they have definitely perfected. It is like bread to butter, peanut butter to jelly, and pickles to ice cream (when one is pregnant)! Needless to say, I highly recommend you check out Quaker’s Perfect Portions Oatmeal the next time you visit your local grocery store!

I went completely gaga over the second item that I eyed in the box before I even opened the package and took a bite; the Quaker Big Chewy granola bars. I had gastric bypass a little over a year ago, that is a story for another day, and since have become a sort of connoisseur of granola bars. Now, please let me note, this is not the type of granola bar that I eat every day because it is decadent and I try to stick to granola bars with high levels of protein. With that being said, they were delicious and the amount of sugar was just right for me! Granola bars, as you know, are the perfect snack to throw in your bag when you are out running errands, at work, or try to keep something in your purse in the event that your little one needs a snack. My little one loves chocolate, when we allow her to have it, and I felt a little healthier giving her a granola bar topped with some chocolate rather than giving her a candy bar. If you are looking for a yummy snack for the 3:00 PM Blahs or you want to give your little one some variety in their snack foods, I recommend the Big Chewy granola bars. I also admit that this was a lifesaver for me one morning when I got to work and realized that I had forgotten my breakfast at home. I opened the package that contained my granola bar with a zigzag of chocolate on top and I was sold! Since I became a mommy to a toddler I try to keep snacks with me at all times and this is one that I will continue to keep on my shopping list.

The third item in my box was flavorful but admittedly my least favorite of the three. Let me first preface my comments by stating I am note a huge fan of “hard” cookies, I prefer soft cookies. My husband and daughter on the other hand eat “hard” cookies, such as Chips Ahoy, like they are going out of style. There were 7 packages of cookies in the box that I received and each package contained 4 oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. One evening I did sit down with my cup of coffee and ate an entire package! Again, the flavor is 100% there, an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie is yummy no matter how you look at it; I would just have preferred that the cookie was soft! Then again, I am a complete sucker for fresh, out of the oven cookies that are still warm and gooey…but, that is a completely different story. My one problem with this product was that all of the cookies, in each package, was crumbled. I’m not certain if the box got tossed around or what happened but the cookies were all broken up, which can be a real pain… this could cause me to miss a morsel of cookie goodness!

Let’s look at this a different way, let’s say I am at a party and there is a plate of the Quaker Chocolate Chip “SOFT” cookies and a plate of the Quaker Chocolate Chip “HARD” cookies out. You are going to find me high tailing it over to the soft cookie plate and camping out there for a good five minutes or so (don’t judge me!). Now, if I am at a party where they serve the “HARD” Quaker Chocolate Chip cookies you are still going to find me camped out at the table, albeit for maybe just three minutes, because they are cookies and no woman in her right mind will turn down cookies that taste good. I was just thinking that Oreos are one of my favorite cookies and they are hard and soft… hmm… that creates a conundrum. I WOULD recommend the Quaker Chocolate Chip cookies HARD or SOFT because the taste is what is important. Again, an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, you can’t go wrong!

Overall, this was my first time working as a BzzAgent and the experience with Quaker was amazing. I am so excited for my next campaign and can’t wait to share it with you. The #QuakerUp campaign has renewed my loyalty with Quaker and expanded my horizons to new products that I otherwise may have bypassed in the grocery aisle.

Keep an eye out for sales, coupons, or just some good eats and pick up any of these Quaker items, or your favorites, when you head out to your local grocery store.


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