Saturday, February 23, 2013

Glade Expressions over Scentsy?

 Hello All!! I wanted to have a small debate here- Scentsy or Glade Expressions?

First let me start with saying that I am a buzzAgent and I received the Glade Expressions free of charge in order to review the product. I like free stuff, I like even more when I get to throw in my opinion afterward. I have a big opinion and you will hear it regardless- the fact they encourage that is good for me! (lol)

Let me get right in there, Scentsy is a company that sells wax warmers (kind of like candle warmers) that are decorative and have a wide variety of scents and burners to choose from. 

Typically the warmers range from $20-$35 and the wax is roughly $5 depending on the size you get it can go up quite a bit. When I first found Scentsy I thought "what a find! It's cute! It smells great!" until here recently when my allergies were screaming "OH MY GOD WOMAN! GET IT AWAY!!" The scents were beginning to become over powering and I would sneeze for what felt like days. 

Still on Scentsy- it was nice to have something pretty, but when you turned it on needing a smell good splash it would take up to 20 minutes to get warmed up enough to melt the wax and release a scent. That was torture- it's like "hurry up and wait!"

I'm not a patient person!

Then Buzz Agent contacted me about reviewing Glade Expressions Oil Defuser and the Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist. I was on board, what was one more blow to my allergies anyway, right? I waited patiently for my kit- shocking really- haha that's a lie I checked online every day to see if it had shipped yet. 

When it finally got here I took my "free" coupons and hit up my local grocery store- they carried it and I was delighted! I allowed my husband to pick the smell out since he's more picky than I am. I approved! The scent of the oil defuser is lavender and juniper berry. The scent of the spray is starlet evening. They both smelled great at first- but would it last? 

Once I got it home I stuck the spray in the bathroom- lets be real- me and the Princess live with 3 boys- it HAD to go to the bathroom! I then placed the oil defuser in the living room in hopes that people would smell it and ask about it.

Ask they did! I had the defuser placed way up on top of our entertainment center just as you come through the living room door. It was up above your head so unless you were looking for it at first you wouldn't see it. However, once watching TV it looked like a sweet little art piece that I had placed up there. 

One friend commented that my living room smelled great and asked where my kids were! It didn't smell like diapers or left over french fries- it smelled like a home. I then pointed out my cute new decor and told her all about it- I even gave her a coupon to purchase her own- now her home smells just as lovely as mine does!

Another friend saw the piece before she smelled it (she had some sinus problems going on and couldn't smell much of anything really) and I told her the same thing I told the other friend- but this time she made it a point to come back to smell it before she went out and bought it after she felt better from being sick.

Cute right? The design was too cute for me not to use. I think it's adorable.

Anywho- back on track! The smell took about 30 minutes to get going good before it stuck around- that was over a week ago and you can STILL smell it like it was brand new!

 My favorite part of the spray is that it lasts longer than 5 minutes. With scentsy after you turn off the warmer as soon as the wax hardens back up (usually about 5 minutes) then the smell is gone, you can't smell it unless you put your nose right up to the wax and sniff. Not with Glade! If you spray it in the bathroom then it's guaranteed to be there at least 8-10 minutes later, usually longer. And it will woft out in to the hallway and it smells glorious!

A full week had passed with my new "smelly" good stuff before I realized that I had not sneezed while walking into my house, it didn't bother me to walk into the bathroom after the spray had been sprayed. I could smell it and not break into teary eyes and sniffles. This product worked with me not against me.

No offense to a friend of mine that sells Scnetsy- I apologize girl but I have to pick Glade because I can't handle sneezing my head off.

So for me- the winner is Glade!! I love the product and highly recommend it to anyone else who wants a long lasting, well scented product.

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