Monday, August 8, 2011


Married life is great most of the time, I usually don't have any complaints, however...

This really isn't a complaint about him, but more a complaint about the way things work out at the end of the day. We spend most of our days apart, he works 8.5 hours and I deal with the kids, after he gets home we spend time together but with the kids, then we fight to make dinner and get everyone ready for bed. Once all the kids are in bed and actually staying in bed it's about 9 or so and we only have a rough 1.5 to 2 hours to spend together. Less than that if we need showers. We very rarely get to actually go out alone. 

I know it's not good to complain but I just need to right now. If I kiss my husband "too much" in front of some friends they get all pissy about it, it's not like I'm making out with him in front of anyone.Usually random kisses is all the attention we can really give one another throughout the day, I'm sorry if that doesn't suit you and you're around when that attention is given. Don't be such a bitch about it. I'm sorry that makes you uncomfortable- don't look! If we are in our house we should be able to kiss when we want.

I wish we had the money to go to dinner alone one night, but we don't, so we try to make the best out of what we can, we make things work with what we have. That's a hell of a lot more than some people our age can say! Most of our friends have been divorced already and have "sworn" off getting married again, not all marriages are like that, some of them are actually meant to be- we love one another very much and we don't care who knows it!!!

We have our disagreements from time to time, but who doesn't? We work through them and come out stronger because of it. I love my husband with all my heart and the only thing I would change would be getting to spend more time together- is that a crime?


  1. Don't let others get in the way of what makes you happy. If others don't like it.. They can either ignore it or don't associate with you.

  2. that's how i see it! thank you!! =)
