Friday, August 12, 2011

Ah Back to School

It's that lovely time of year again! Princess went back to school yesterday- First Grade! Such a big girl, I'm so proud of her!

(plus I value my sanity & with her home all day long during summer- I think I lost it!)
Anyways, I got some things done yesterday and was feeling pretty accomplished. Running errands, grocery shopping, cleaning house (a good clean too), at one point I realized how quiet it was with just BB & Bubby at home.It was oddly comforting and I recall making the comment...

"Oh yes, this is what I've been waiting for, she's back at school and the world is back at peace again."


Last night I was making plans with Britty to sit with the boys today while I go to Brooklyn's school to get a few other things accomplished for the PTA fundraisers that are going to be going on this school year when it HIT ME like a TON of bricks... "oh shit! I'm not going to get any peace this school year!"

See Pork Chop and I joined the PTA (parent teacher association) last year to become more involved with Princess's school and education, at the end of the year I agreed to do be the fundraiser coordinator for this school year. (This is where someone reaches over and smacks me in the back of the head- anytime now would be great!) I have printouts to sort through, packs of papers to distribute, questions to answer, and listen to parents complain about the fundraisers ON TOP OF... volunteering in Princess's class, keeping an eye on my niece's until they adjust to a new school and all around new life, girl scouts, allergy shots, doctor appointments, and Princess wants to add cheerleading to that list now too.... ugh... what have I agreed to??

I don't foresee a lot of sleep in the school year that is laid out in front of me. I actually see a serious lack of sleep. But anywho- Brooklyn loved her first day back at school, seen some good old friends and said she recognized everyone in her class so she doesn't have to worry about being nervous or shy in front of new friends, she says her teacher is very nice and she thinks that First Grade is going to be "great." 

I have to get this day going or I will never get through it!

Thanks for reading!

If you got lost on nicknames here please refer back to the "Kentucky Momma & Family" posting:


  1. Wow that's quite a work load. School just started back here as well. Even though my kids drive me crazy most of the time I'm glad they're not old enough for school yet. You want to get rid of them, and then you miss them :P.
    Anyway, I'm following from Bloggy Moms. I'm also from Kentucky :)

  2. I appreciate the follow =) When I get a chance I will go follow yours as well (hopefully the next couple of days). It's nice to find another mom from KY! I was starting to think there was only a handful of us lol. Yes I do have quite a work load and was asked yesterday to help with girl scouts a bit this year too, and my daughter's teacher wants me to be her "homeroom parent" i'm not even sure what that is lol. Anyways, thanks for the comment & thanks for reading =)
