Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nope! I'm Sticking With Diapers!

That's pretty much what my 3 year old says to me. 

Potty Training is not happening in my house!

Believe me I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of... treats for going potty, high fives, new underwear, reinforcing what a great job he's doing as a big boy, I even bought a frog potty chair! No luck.

I even catch him in the middle of pooping IN his diaper and he says "no mommy I finish my diaper" then squats back down. 

I don't know what to do with that boy anymore. He starts preschool on Wednesday (the 22nd) and thankfully they will allow him to be in diapers since he's still 3. On top of a speech development we also have a hard headed child who picks and chooses when the potty is a good thing.

We have our good days and we have our bad days- mostly bad. Some days he wants to be completely naked all day in order to use the potty- I guess this is a man thing because I would like to have clothes on personally! I can't let him think that it's okay to be naked all day long! 

Any suggestions for this difficult child? I'm open to any ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. Trying to get him on a potty schedul??? It helped kaylee. And rewarding him for trying while in the schedul. Idk maybe I'm crazy lol
