Friday, August 17, 2012

Never Ever?

As I'm sure a majority of you know from a previous blog post- found here- I am a HUGE Taylor Swift fan- I cannot get enough of her music. 

In some way, shape or form I can relate to each and every song that she has. It's hard to hate someone who sings like she lives in your head. She's brilliant!

With that being said, there is a new single out- finally! It took forever for this single to be released off her new album "Red" that is due to be on shelves on October 22, 2012. Believe it- I will be in line bright and early!

It took a while for this song to grow on me, by that I mean about 10 times on repeat the night it was released, and a few more times that following day. Apparently it didn't take the World that long though- within 12 hours of being on iTunes the new single "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" was #1 in the WORLD! Way to go Taylor! Another hit under your belt! (duh!)

It's not what you would normally expect from this Country Princess- not your traditional "love song" that you would think she would release. This is quite the opposite actually- more of a "hell to the no- it ain't happenin" type of song. 

That's my girl! I knew eventually she would hit that chord, it was just a waiting game to find that "special" guy that was stupid enough to screw up with Miss Swift. She stated that this song was specifically about an ex from the past two years- let's see- who does that narrow it down to?

She has been rumored with a number of men since 2010- who do you think this un-love song could be about?

*Cory Monteith- from Glee
*Toby Hemingway- from Taylor's music video "Mine"
*Jake Gyllenhaal- do I really need to explain who this is?
*Chord Overstreet- from Glee
*Garrett Hedlund- Played Sam in the Tron Legacy
*Will Anderson- idk who this is!
*Eddie Redmayne- some random actor
*Tim Tebow- just sexy! lol
*Patrick Schwarzenegger- surly the last name rings a bell? it's Arnold's son!
*Conor Kennedy- again with the last name? The famous Kennedy's (and Patrick's cousin!)

Woah girlie! Slow down a lil bit- I know you get lonely on the road but DANG! You're giving yourself a bad name!

Anywho- inputs? Comment below with your take on it all!


  1. I LOVE the song!!!! Good to play loud lol!!

  2. shes dating the kennedy! She even met the parents! haha. They are saying its about John mayer. But who knows!

    1. Dear John was about him- no hiding that lol! But I thought they split in '09? This is supposedly someone from 2010 to now (all those listed above we're from that time span) but idk who it is- I hope it's not jake or Tim bc they r too sexy to be complete asses lol!!
