Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pined It- Tried It...

On Pinterest I found a post about DIY Monogrammed Plates.

I am not going to lie, Y'all this sounded crazy to me, I thought these people were nuts. And like most things on Pinterest- I find the person hasn't ever tried it before. 

For this particular thing I HAD to know if it would work. 

Can you imagine the money saved on paying to have it monogrammed? On Graduation gifts? Birthday? Christmas? Just Because Gifts? Wedding Gifts? 
That's exactly what we were going to use it for! Wedding!

See... My husband has a friend that was getting married- he use to be quite the party-er and was pretty much right up until he met his fiance. Now I believe in "the one" but in my head "the one" won't change who you are with just one date. So I was skeptical at first of this said "wedding." But alas, I liked the Bride to be (and groom too don't get me wrong!) but I didn't want to spend an arm and leg on a wedding gift in fear of it getting returned, or ditched at a goodwill or yard sale. Ya see where I'm coming from? 

Anyway... here's what I was told to start with:
*Glass Plate(s)

I saw this going horribly wrong in my head. 
The directions were:
1- Use oven safe glass plates and write with the Sharpie whatever you want the plate to say or whatever design you wish to have on it.
2- Preheat oven to 350*
3- Bake plate face up for 30 minutes
4- Cool completely before wrapping up or using
**With the promise that this would be 100% safe and permanent after baking and cooling**

Well I'm fairly clumsy... So here's how I tweeked it to fit my needs.
*Glass Plate(s)
*Marks-A-Lot Permanent Marker
*1piece Printer Paper

 Clearly my oven is not pictured.

1- Preheat oven to 350*
2- Print the letter or design you wish to have on the plate onto the paper. 
3- Cut around the letter or design on the paper
4- Tape the paper to the plate
5- Take your marker and darkly go over the letter or design on the paper. The Marks-A-Lot markers and sharpies will bleed onto the plate through the paper.
6- Slowly remove the tape and paper from the plate.
7- "doctor" the image on the plate with the marker you have chosen. Make it look more clear and even without having to freehand the image or lettering. 
**Please note that while you are drawing the image IF you mess up you can use a q-tip with a slight bit of alcohol on it to remove any smudges or redo a specific area.**
8-Once you are satisfied with the image or letter place the plate in the oven ON the rack
9- Bake for 30 minutes 
10- Allow to cool

This was after they cooled! I tested the promise they would be permanent and washed them, they were fine! I was thrilled!

Due to my last phrase ^^^^ I will totally stand behind this DIY project! It is permanent and the plates did not smell of marker. They looked store bought!

The total of this project? $2!! I already had a marker at home as well as tape. So I really just had to purchase 2 plates. I would have done a full set if I had thought ahead of time how great they would turn out. But the 2 worked for now, we put together a picnic basket for two. Personalized plates included.

This project was super easy!! I am very thrilled with how it came out & look forward to seeing what YOU do with it!! Feel free to try it yourself and post pictures on our facebook page letting us know how yours turned out!!


1 comment:

  1. Love the monogrammed plates, I will have to try this when I'm in a pinch for a cool gift. Seriously, looks like you bought them somewhere!
