Monday, May 13, 2013

Once Upon A Time

Unless you've been living under a rock you KNOW what "Once Upon A Time" is, or you've at least heard about it. Right?

I want to give you the brief run down without giving away too much information- just in case you haven't seen it yet but perhaps have it on DVr or TiVO to watch at a later date.

In a nut shell, these are your 4 main characters:
*The Evil Queen (Regina) played by Lana Parilla
*Emma Swan (Snow White's Daughter) played by Jennifer Morrison
*Snow White (Mary Margaret) played by Ginnifer Goodwin
*Prince Charming (David) played by Josh Dallas

There are other important characters but these are your biggest 4. A tale as old as time (ha I know that's from Beauty & the Beast but it works for me right now!) as our Fairy Tales would tell us as children, Prince Charming saves Snow White from a deep sleep that is placed upon her by the Evil Queen and a rotten apple. Once she awakes they take the land back over as their own and the Evil Queen no longer rules the land. Then they live happily ever after.

WELL that's what our parents told us anyway. The creators and writers for this show are GENIUSES! I have read the traditional Fairy Tales to my sweet Princess over and over again. Multiple times. So when Once Upon A Time came on late nights I was a bit confused as to why a child's show would air at 9pm. Most kids are in bed because it falls on a school night. A friend begged me to watch it- said "You'll LOVE it! It's what we grew up knowing with a nice twist to it. Trust me- it's worth an hour of your time!" 

Ok, I caved! What could it hurt? Well it hurt an hour of my life that I devote to this show at least once a week, sometimes I will re-watch episodes that I have on my DVr. 

It's heavily addicting! 

See where I would typically get bored ends with the happy ever after- let's be real- nobody has it that easy! 
That holds true for Snow White and her Prince.
The Evil Queen continues to plague them with troubles even after they are wed and show the kingdom what a horrible person she truly is. AND you get ot see why the Evil Queen is so evil to begin with. You see what her true hatred for Snow White is and where it came from. It's quite tragic really.

With this you figure out where the daughter comes from. See in this world all of these Fairy Tales are connected in some way. Rumplestiltskin plays a huge role as well. HUGE! Snow White becomes pregnant and the Evil Queen is about to place a large curse and to prevent the baby princess named Emma from being a part of it they send her to OUR world. She is raised as an orphan and lives her life that way for 28 years none the wiser until a small child knocks at her door. This boy a child she had given up for adoption- Henry.

Henry is played by Jared Gilmore.

This being Emma's son, makes him also Snow White's grandson- but if you haven't seen the show yet- I recommend you stop right here and watch it! This next part is a doosey! 

Henry is the only one who believes in the curse and believes that he can help break it. He hunts down his birth mother and informs her of the curse and who she truly is- she tells the kid he's crazy and takes him home. Where she too begins to find things just aren't right, something is amiss in Storybrooke, Maine. Yes, Storybrooke. No pun intended right? 

I cannot go into too much more detail without completely unraveling the first two seasons all together.

I am more so thrilled to announce that Once Upon A Time HAS been renewed for it's THIRD season, scheduled to air on ABC in Fall of 2013. I assure you that I will be all eyes and ears awaiting any leaking information on my favorite show.

I will tell you though- many people who found Disney's Peter Pan to be a charming tale of a young man never wanting to grow up might just rethink that once they see the last 3 episodes of season 2. Be sure your windows are locked when you go to bed....


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