Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kroger Brand Products

Did you know that Kroger has its own "brand" of products available at their stores?

OF COURSE YOU DID! If you didn't then you've been living under a rock for more than 10 years.

However, did you know they taste the same if not better than the nationally known brands? Probably now since most people won't give it a honest try.

I was provided with a couple of "free" coupons from BzzAgent to use to purchase some items to have a nice Family Spring Dinner with my family. 

We had a pork roast (let's all say it together now...) "YYUUUMM!" It was delicious! My husband hooked it up and we enjoyed that along side Kroger Brand Mashed Potatoes, crescent rolls, and green beans. Sounds delicious doesn't it? To top it off we had dessert! A Kroger brand chocolate cake with vanilla icing.


My children laughed and talked about their days at school and home while they devoured their dinners. It was so enjoyable to not have to fight with them to eat their dinner. This could be because it was so delicious, or because it was something they actually wanted to eat, or it could have been the fact they knew I had to write about them in the long run! LOL none the less it was great! 

While eating dinner my husband and I were talking about what was good and what was bad, then we lost track and focused on the kids, which is how it should be right? 

But from what I do recall we did not have much bad to say about the items that we had for dinner. It tasted wonderful and in a couple of cases it tasted better than the name brand items we would have normally purchased.

Thank you to BzzAgent for allowing us to have a Spring Family Dinner and even more for providing that time with my family.

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